R. Jack Reid

R. Jack Reid
Goldrange Goldens
Jack Reid was a prominent west coast breeder for many years. His home and kennel just east off 200th St. on 72nd Avenue in Langley, was the site of many early Club activities, from fun days to training sessions. Jack’s wife Phyllis was always a gracious hostess. Jack became active with the breed in the late 1950’s and his Goldrange Kennels provided the foundation stock for many of the breeders that followed in western Canada.
Jack imported a several notable English dogs, including Ch. Goldrange Fine Fella of Yeo , Ch. Keystone of Yeo, Ch.Dorinda of Yeo and Ch. Wendy of Yeo CD, (who became Barrie and Ainslie Mills’ first golden), from Lucille Sawtell (of Yeo). Some past Club members who achieved early success with their Goldrange dogs include Brenda Beadnell with Ch. Goldrange Radar Camelot CD, Stevie Aitken and Ch. Goldrange Klondike Captain, and Bill and Linda Johnson with Goldrange Rebecca Sunnybrook CD.
Jack was active in both field trials and conformation shows and was a familiar sight in the ring, decked out in his cowboy hat and boots. He was a life member of the Golden Retriever Club of Canada and one of the founders of our own Club, initially the Golden Retriever Club of Canada (B.C. Chapter), which later became the G.R.C.B.C. in 1975. He held a number of offices in the Club and while a strongly opinionated man, he willingly helped many new fanciers learn the ropes in the Golden world and treasured his Goldens. Jack was made a Life Member of the B.C. Club in 1973.