Online Membership Form

This form can be used for applying for New Membership or Membership Renewal.

Online Membership Form


  • ALL fields marked * ARE REQUIRED
  • Referral Memberships please choose Referral under “Type of Application”
  • New & Renewal applications, once you have submitted all the membership information, you will be directed to a separate page to complete your payment online (e-transfer or credit card).

NEW & RENEWAL APPLICANTS PLEASE NOTE: Your electronic form acceptance is not finalized until we receive your payment. Online submissions will be CANCELLED if your online payment is not received.

I/we agree to abide by the Constitution and Bylaws of the Club and to honour its Code of Ethics.

Memberships received AFTER November 1 are deemed to be for the following year.

Are you paying by:
selecting Yes indicates that you agree to abide by the GRCC membership requirements, Code of Ethics and agree to pay the required fees electronically
selecting Yes indicates that you agree to abide by the GRCC membership requirements, Code of Ethics.

Upon hitting submit you will be taken to a payment processing page. Please do not submit payment. Once your referral membership application is processed, the membership secretary will be in contact with you.