Judges Education

Welcome to the Judges Education portion of our website. While the below articles will be of interest to all Judges, we encourage breeders and fanciers to also read the information contained within the links below.

The below video covers several days of the 2019 IGL Retriever Field Championship held at Glenalmond Estate in Scotland.  Golden Retriever, Think Twice Zero to Hero, perfectly illustrates the obstacles facing a hunting dog in the challenging landscape and heavy cover in Scotland. This Golden’s enthusiasm, stamina, speed and ability over several days is amazing.  Additional distractions include hearing multiple shots, being on the move over the irregular terrain, the presence of the judge’s, stewards and observers also moving along in the area of the tests. Note that the competing dogs are off-lead, often jumping fences on the retrieves and often out of view of the handler. This event truly illustrates the requirements of the breed standard for the correct structure for endurance, strength, stamina, agility, good muscular condition, proper length of leg and neck, correct head and strength of jaw. Enjoy!