History Quiz

Below is a fun quiz to test your knowledge on the history of the Golden Retriever and Canadian Golden Retriever facts. All answers can be found within the various pages in our History section.

Give it a go, if you get each question correct a certificate will be emailed to you.


Golden Retriever History Quiz

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1 / 10

In which country was the Golden Retriever created?

2 / 10

What is the name of the estate where the Golden Retriever was created?

3 / 10

What was the first Canadian Kennel Club recognized club for the Golden Retriever called?

4 / 10

In what decade was the first Canadian Kennel Club licensed Golden Retriever specialty show held?

5 / 10

In what decade was the first Golden Retriever awarded Best In Show in North America?

6 / 10

In what decade was the first GRCC National Specialty held outside of Ontario?

7 / 10

What is the name of this famous Golden Retriever?

8 / 10

Lady Aberdeen, who has been credited with introducing the Golden Retriever to Canada, is the daughter of:

9 / 10

The famous Canadian Rockhaven kennels was started by:

10 / 10

In this historic photo, what is the name of the Golden Retriever carrying Queen Elizabeth's purse?

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The average score is 71%
