Today I am writing to you to inform you of the positions within the Board of Directors that will be up for election at the Annual General Meeting this summer.
Any Ordinary member of the Club may nominate any other Ordinary member in good standing for election as an Officer of the Club. Please note the exception for the nomination of a Regional Director i.e., any Ordinary member in good standing “within that jurisdiction,” may nominate any other Ordinary member within that Regional Jurisdiction for the position of Regional Director.
The following positions on the GRCC Board are open for nominations for a two-year term. The term will begin after the 2024 GRCC Annual General meeting.
Executive Position:
Regional Director Positions:
British Columbia and Yukon
Below please find position duties as written in Article 2 Section 5 of the by-laws.
The Secretary shall:
- attend all General, Special and Board of Directors meetings.
- complete tasks as directed by the President.
- follow up on tasks delegated to individual Board members and Directors to ensure they are completed in a timely manner.
- prepare and keep current a list of all member Clubs’ Executive members and give that information to the CKC.
- prepare and keep current a list of people responsible for other GRCC committees, Ways and Means, Memberships, etc.
- record minutes of the proceedings of such meetings and arrange for copies of the minutes of all meetings to be sent out to all Directors
- arrange for the approved minutes of Annual Board and General meetings as well as any Special General meetings to be sent to the Newsletter Editor for publication in the next available Newsletter.
- retain and file all copies of correspondence received and sent pertaining to the affairs of the Club; arrange for notices of all meetings of the Club to be sent out; prepare copies of the agenda for all General Meetings, Special Meetings and Board of Directors Meetings; attend to all correspondence regarding the affairs of the Club.
- be responsible for preparing and recording all voting resolutions.
- direct all bills and accounts immediately to the Treasurer for payment.
- in the absence of a Membership Secretary the Secretary:
- will maintain an up-to-date record of names and addresses of all members within the Club
- will maintain an up-to-date record of names and addresses of all members within the Club
- furnish a copy of the same to the President on request and the Election Committee ninety (90) days prior to the AGM
- publish and distribute a copy to any Eligible Voting Member on request.
- perform any other duties as specified under Other Club Positions – Membership Secretary of this Article.
The Secretary may appoint an Assistant Secretary from the Eligible Voting membership, provided that the member is paid up and in good standing. The duties of the Assistant Secretary will be as directed by the Secretary.
Regional Directors
Regional Directors shall:
- attend each Annual Board Meeting
- take direction from the President and implement projects as instructed. Their vote at the executive level is to be determined by the wishes of the members residing in their regional jurisdiction.
- be the liaison between GRCC members and Affiliate Clubs in their area and the Board of Directors.
- report via Golden Leaves the happenings and concerns within their Regions.
- be responsible for the promotion of the GRCC and the breed known as the Golden Retriever within their Regional jurisdiction.
Each Regional Director may appoint an assistant from the Eligible Voting membership provided that the member is paid up and in good standing with the Club. The duties of the Assistant Regional Director will be as directed by the Regional Director. Their vote at the executive level is to be determined by the wishes of the members residing in their regional jurisdiction.
As the chair of the Elections Committee, I request that completed nomination forms be sent to me by April 30, 2024, 11:59pm (EST).
To reduce the burden on members, nominations can be printed (see attached) , signatures added, and sent by email at . Incomplete and or late applications will not be accepted. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Laura Brunet – Elections Committee Chairperson
A nomination form can be found on the GRCC Website by clicking here 2024 Election