Article 1 Membership

Section 1 Membership Year
The membership year shall be from January 1 to December 31.

Section 2 Eligibility
No person shall be eligible for; or continue to enjoy membership who:

  1. is under suspension or expulsion by the CKC;
  2. is or becomes actively engaged in breeding, buying or selling of dogs which are not purebred.

Section 3 Classes of Membership
There shall be six (6) classes of membership in the Club and they are as follows:

  1. Ordinary Membership (Voting)
    Ordinary Membership shall be restricted to persons who are owners and/or fanciers of purebred, registered Golden Retrievers; who agree to abide by the GRCC Constitution, its By-Laws and its Code of Ethics; who have completed their full twelve (12) month period as a Provisional Member in good standing; who have been granted Ordinary Membership status by the Board of Directors, and who are 16 years of age or over. A joint-adult Ordinary Membership is available to two (2) members, age 16 years and over, who reside at the same address and meet the above criteria for Ordinary Membership. Each joint-adult Ordinary Member shall be entitled to one vote and all the privileges of Ordinary Membership.
  2. Provisional Membership (Non-Voting)
    Provisional Members shall have no voting rights nor may they hold office. Provisional Membership shall be granted to persons who are 16 years of age or over at the time of applying for membership, are owners and/or fanciers of purebred, registered Golden Retrievers, and who have made application to join the Golden Retriever Club of Canada. Names of applicants will be published in the next available online newsletter following receipt of their membership application. If any member of the GRCC has reason to believe that membership should not be granted, such members will have sixty (60) days to submit any objection in writing or via email to the Membership Secretary, who will immediately submit the written objection to the Board of Directors. If no such objection is received within sixty (60) days, applicants will be granted Provisional Membership for a full twelve (12) month period from the date of receipt of the application for membership. Provisional Members are eligible for Club awards from the date of receipt of application for membership. Provisional Members must be willing to abide by the Constitution and By-Laws, and to honour the Code of Ethics of The Golden Retriever Club of Canada. The Provisional Member, upon completion of their one (1) uninterrupted year of membership, shall be reviewed by the Board of Directors for the status of Ordinary Membership. A joint-adult Provisional Membership is available to two persons, age 16 years or older, who reside at the same address and meet the above criteria for Provisional Membership
  3. Life Membership (Voting)
    Life Membership may be awarded to persons who are or have been Ordinary Members and who have made outstanding contributions to the GRCC. Nomination of the proposed Life Member should be submitted to the Board along with a detailed description of the Nominee’s achievements and activities in the GRCC. A two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board is required for awarding the Life membership. The new Life Member will be announced by the Board of Directors at the GRCC Annual General Meeting (AGM) or at the National Specialty Banquet. All Life Members shall be free from payment of membership fees. Life members shall enjoy all the privileges of Ordinary membership in the Club. Any Life Member who passes on will automatically be transitioned to “Honourary Member”.
  4. Honourary Membership (Non-Voting)
    Honourary Members shall have no voting rights nor may they hold office. Honourary Membership may be awarded to those persons who have made outstanding contributions to the GRCC and may or may not be members of the Club. Nomination of the proposed Honourary Member should be submitted to the Board along with a detailed description of the Nominee’s achievements and activities in and for the GRCC. A two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board is required for awarding the Honourary membership. The new Honourary Member will be announced by the Board of Directors at the GRCC Annual General Meeting (AGM) or at the National Specialty Banquet. Honourary Members shall be free from payment of membership fees. Honourary members may also consist of any Life Members who have passed on. Their name will automatically be transitioned to “Honourary Member” and remain so in perpetuity.
  5. Junior Membership (Non-Voting)
    Junior Membership shall be granted to children between 8 and 15 years of age who are owners/and or fanciers of purebred, registered Golden Retrievers. Junior Members shall have no voting rights nor may they hold office. Junior Members must be willing to abide by the Club’s Constitution, By- Laws and to honour its Code of Ethics. If the Junior Membership does not accompany an adult membership (either single or joint-adult), the single membership rate will apply. Junior Members, upon reaching the age of sixteen (16) years, may apply for adult membership in the Club. A Junior Member who has been in good standing for a full twelve (12) month period may have the Provisional Membership period waived.
  6. Affiliate Club Membership (Non-Voting)
    Affiliate Club Membership is restricted to Canadian Golden Retriever breed clubs. Affiliate Club Membership shall carry no voting rights.

Section 4 Application for Membership
Application for membership shall be submitted on a form approved by the Board of Directors. Said form may be changed from time to time at the Board’s discretion. The application must be signed and/or electronically signed by the applicant(s). Application forms are to be forwarded to the contact indicated on the form via Canada Post or electronic mail accompanied by the membership dues (which may be submitted via electronic means). The name, address and email address of the contact (Treasurer or Membership Secretary) will be published on the GRCC Website. In the case of Affiliate Club Membership, the application must be submitted on the Board approved affiliate club application/renewal form and submitted by any member of that club’s executive. The form may be printed and mailed, along with the dues, to the contact information on the form via Canada Post. Alternatively, the form may be submitted online and the dues sent via Canada Post or electronic means.

Section 5 Restriction on use of Club Name by Members
No member, except when authorized to do so by the Board of Directors of the Golden Retriever Club of Canada, shall use the name of the Club in any correspondence, communications or commitment of any kind with any publication, Club, person, firm or body incorporated or unincorporated, except to indicate that they are a member of the Golden Retriever Club of Canada.

Section 6 Resignations
Any member or affiliate club, who is not indebted to the Club, may resign their membership by notice in writing (via Canada Post or electronic mail) to the Membership Secretary. They shall be deemed to be a member of the Club until such time as their resignation is accepted by the Board of Directors. When they shall cease to be a member of the Club, they will have no right or claim to the Club’s property, nor to have any part of their membership dues for the current year refunded.

Section 7 Discipline/Expulsion of Members

  1. The Board of Directors must notify the accused member of the complaints against them and investigate all claims. If verified, the Board shall have the power to suspend, expel, or reprimand any member if, in the opinion of the Board, they have violated:
    1. The Club Constitution and/or By-laws;
    2. The Code of Ethics as published by the GRCC;
    3. The By-Laws of the Canadian Kennel Club;
  2. The Board of Directors shall have the power to suspend or terminate the membership of a member who, in the opinion of the Board, has committed an act which is considered prejudicial to the objectives and aims of the Club, the Canadian Kennel Club, and/or the interests of its members or their dogs;
  3. Any person so suspended or expelled shall have the right to appeal the decision of the Board to the general membership via the Online Club Newsletter or Membership Bulletin within two (2) months of such a decision. The Board will publish the expelled/suspended member’s appeal for comment in the Golden Leaves publication or through a special Bulletin. Notice of a Special General Meeting to hear the appeal will be published at the same time. The Meeting can be held electronically or otherwise, as determined by the Board
    1. At the Special General Meeting the eligible members attending will vote for the Board decision or for the Appellant. A simple majority is required.
    2. If the majority of votes are for the Board the appeal is denied.
    3. If the majority of votes are for the Appellant then the Board decision will be overturned.
    4. If during the Special General Meeting there is discussion regarding the terms that the Board has put forward then a motion may come from the floor for a second vote dealing only with the penalty.
  4. Expulsion, when imposed, shall terminate membership for all time. Suspension, when imposed, automatically deprives the member of the privileges of the Club for the period ordered.
  5. No penalty of any kind shall be imposed until such penalty has been agreed upon by unanimous vote of the Board except under circumstances as per Section 7 (3) (d).
  6. Any accusations, complaints, and/or charges against a Club member must follow the procedure as follows:
    1. The complaint must be in written form.
    2. The complaint must be submitted to the Board of Directors via registered mail, mail or email care of the Club Secretary, for consideration by the Board of Directors only.
    3. The complaint requires a deposit of $25.00 (cheque or whatever electronic means deemed appropriate by the Board) which must accompany such complaint or charge against any Club member. The complaint will not proceed until payment has been verified by the Secretary and/or the Treasurer.
    4. The Secretary will acknowledge receipt of the complaint and inform the complainant when it has been brought to the Board.
    5. The deposit, in full, will be returned if such complaint or charge is substantiated. When such complaint or charge fails to be substantiated, the deposit is forfeited and placed into Club funds.

    Section 8 Member Change of Address
    Each member shall communicate their mailing address, email address or phone number change to the Membership Secretary who will notify the Newsletter Editor of such change. All notices mailed and/or emailed to the last known address in the records of the Club shall be deemed to be good service upon them at the time of posting. In the absence of a Membership Secretary, notice shall be communicated to the Secretary who will notify the Newsletter Editor of the change.

      Article 2 Organization

      Section 1 Nominations

      1. An Elections Committee shall be formed consisting of the Past President and two (2) Eligible Voting members in good standing. Any Eligible Voting member of the Club may nominate any other Eligible Voting member in good standing for election as an Officer of the Club. The exceptions are the nomination of Regional Director (see (2) below) and the position of Treasurer (see Section 3 (2)(b) below). The nomination form must reach the Elections Committee Chairperson at least ninety (90) days prior to the AGM. The nomination must be on the official Club nomination form. The nomination form must be properly filled in with the signature or electronic signature of the nominee and the names of the proposer and seconder. Such forms may be sent electronically providing all signatures are present. The Elections Committee will present a slate of candidates via the Club newsletter at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the election.
      2. Any Eligible Voting Member of the Club, within any given Regional jurisdiction, may nominate any other Eligible Voting member in good standing within that Regional jurisdiction for the position of Regional Director. The nomination form must reach the Elections committee chairperson at least ninety (90) days prior to the AGM. The nomination must be properly filled in with the signature or electronic signature of the nominee and the names of the proposer and seconder. Such forms may be sent electronically providing all signatures are present.

        Section 2 Elections
        All elections shall be by ballot and/or electronic ballot which shall be available to all Eligible Voting members at least forty-five (45) days prior to the Annual Board Meeting. All ballots must be in the hands of the Elections Committee Chairperson no later than seven (7) days prior to the Annual Board Meeting. Any majority is enough to carry. In the event of a tie vote for any position, a secret ballot will be made by the voting members present at the AGM.

          Section 3 Board of Directors

          1. Number and Qualifications of Directors
            The management of the Club shall be conducted by a Board of Directors consisting of President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, and six (6) Regional Directors; one for each of the following regions: Atlantic Provinces, Quebec, Ontario, Alberta, The Prairies and Northwest Territories, British Columbia and the Yukon; each of whom will be a paid-up Eligible Voting member in good standing with the Club.
          2. Term of Office
            1. All positions, with the exception of Treasurer, shall have one two (2) year term with one-half (1/2) the Board of Directors retiring each year. In one year, the offices of President, First Vice- President, Second Vice-President and Directors responsible for Atlantic Provinces, Prairies and Northwest Territories, and Alberta shall be eligible for election. In the next year, the offices of Secretary, and the Directors for Quebec, Ontario, and British Columbia and the Yukon shall be eligible for election.
            2. The position of Treasurer will be by appointment (refer Section 4 (2) below).
            3. There will be no maximum limit to the number of terms for which any Eligible Voting member in good standing may run for any of the remaining positions, nor will there be any length limit to the number of years a Treasurer may remain in the appointed position; provided the Board of Directors is in agreement with his/her remaining in said position.
            4. Should an incumbent wish to remain in their present position there is no requirement for the presiding officer to be renominated.
            5. All officers elected according to the provisions of this Article shall assume office following the AGM.
          3. Vacancies on the Board
            The Board of Directors shall, through the authority of their office, appoint the necessary number of Directors to fill any vacancies on the Board of Directors. Appointments will be from among Eligible Voting Members who are paid up and in good standing with the Club at that time.  The term of office for the appointment shall be for the. time remaining until the end of the existing term.

          Section 4 Officers

          1. The Officers of the Club shall be the President, Immediate Past President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and the Regional Directors. All, with the exception of the Treasurer, will be elected by the Eligible voting Membership in accordance with Article II, Sections 1 & 2 of these By-Laws. The position of Treasurer shall be filled by appointment by the Board (refer (2) below). A minimum of three (3) officers of the Club must be CKC members in good standing.
          2. The position of Treasurer is to be by appointment after consideration by the Board of qualified applicants. The appointment will be reviewed on an annual basis at the time of the Annual Board of Directors meeting.

          Section 5 Duties of Officers

          1. The Board of Directors may, by resolution, appoint any Officer or Officers to act on behalf of the Club to sign any documents or contracts necessary to carry out any directions given them by the Board.
          2. President
            The President shall:
            1. be the Chief Executive Officer of the Club.
            2. preside at all meetings of the members and the Board of Directors.
            3. be an honourary, ex officio member of all committees.
            4. oversee the direction of the GRCC.
            5. implement tasks for individual Board Members or Committee Members.
            6. be available for questions and/or concerns brought forward by other Board members and will respond in a timely manner.
          3. First Vice-President
            The first Vice President shall:
            1. assume the normal duties of the President should the President be unable to fulfill such duties.
            2. perform such duties as may be required of him/her by the Board of Directors.
            3. attend each annual Board meeting.
            4. be responsible for external communication e.g. general public, other Golden Retriever clubs.
            5. take direction from the President and implement projects as instructed.
            6. in conjunction with the Second Vice President and the Webmaster, develop a strategy to maintain communication using Newsletters, social media and the Club website.
            7. take an active role on the National Specialty Committee hosted by the individual Affiliate Club and provide regular updates to the Board.
          4. Second Vice-President
            The Second Vice President shall:
            1. assume the normal duties of the President should the President and First Vice President be unable to fulfill such duties.
            2. take direction from the President and implement projects as instructed.
            3. attend each annual Board meeting.
            4. be responsible for internal communications e.g. GRCC members and affiliate clubs.
            5. record all results at the National Specialty and provide these results to the person responsible for preparing the keeper trophies for all of the winners and the Archivist.
            6. in conjunction with the First Vice President and the Webmaster develop a strategy to maintain communication using Newsletters, social media and the Club website.
          5. Past President
            The Past President shall:
            1. provide transition information from previous administration by supporting and guiding the current President.
            2. Chair and organize the Elections Committee and Nomination process.
            3. take direction from the President and implement projects as instructed.
            4. attend each annual Board meeting.
              The Past and Vice Presidents shall function to coordinate activities which support the principles and further the objects of the Club, and to provide their constituents greater access to, and utilization of, the resources of the Club. Portions of the duties outlined above may be distributed amongst and/or shared by the First and Second Vice Presidents and the Past President.
          6. Secretary
            The Secretary shall:
            1. attend all General, Special and Board of Directors meetings.
            2. complete tasks as directed by the President.
            3. follow up on tasks delegated to individual Board members and Directors to ensure they are completed in a timely manner.
            4. prepare and keep current a list of all member Clubs’ Executive members and give that information to the CKC.
            5. prepare and keep current a list of people responsible for other GRCC committees, Ways and Means, Memberships, etc.
            6. record minutes of the proceedings of such meetings and arrange for copies of the minutes of all meetings to be sent out to all Directors
            7. arrange for the approved minutes of Annual Board and General meetings as well as any Special General meetings to be sent to the Newsletter Editor for publication in the next available Newsletter.
            8. retain and file all copies of correspondence received and sent pertaining to the affairs of the Club; arrange for notices of all meetings of the Club to be sent out; prepare copies of the agenda for all General Meetings, Special Meetings and Board of Directors Meetings; attend to all correspondence regarding the affairs of the Club.
            9. be responsible for preparing and recording all voting resolutions.
            10. direct all bills and accounts immediately to the Treasurer for payment.
            11. in the absence of a Membership Secretary the Secretary:
              1. will maintain an up-to-date record of names and addresses of all members within the Club
              2. furnish a copy of same to the President on request and the Election Committee ninety (90) days prior to the AGM
              3. publish and distribute a copy to any Eligible Voting Member on request.
              4. perform any other duties as specified under Other Club Positions – Membership Secretary of this Article.
                The Secretary may appoint an Assistant Secretary from the Eligible Voting membership, provided that the member is paid up and in good standing. The duties of the Assistant Secretary will be as directed by the Secretary.
          7. Treasurer
            The Treasurer shall:
            1. attend each Annual Board meeting.
            2. receive all funds of the Club and maintain all GRCC financial records.
            3. deposit/review all monies by E-transfer, cheque, cash or electronic means designated by the Board in a bank account with the name of THE GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB OF CANADA.
            4. pay all bills promptly (within seven (7) days of receipt of same), retaining invoices for same, provided that the indebtedness has been approved and sanctioned by the Board of Directors.
            5. bring any unapproved invoices to the attention of the Board for their review and approval.
            6. be empowered to pay approved regular annual invoices (e.g., CKC membership, insurances, etc.) at his/her discretion.
            7. keep an accurate record of all income and expenditures in an accounting program provided by the Club.
            8. submit a financial report for each Golden Leaves publication.
            9. give a report of the financial status of the Club at each Board and AGM and submit the report to the editor of Golden Leaves for publication.
            10. within three (3) months of each annual event, provide a financial statement of said event to the Club to be published in Golden Leaves.
            11. take direction from the President and implement projects as instructed.
            12. co-ordinate the audit process and submit a report to the Board and membership as required.
            13. liaise with the National Specialty hosting clubs on budget planning and financial record accountability.
              The Treasurer may appoint an assistant from the Eligible Voting membership provided that the member is paid up and in good standing with the Club. The duties of the Assistant Treasurer will be as directed by the Treasurer. The Treasurer may appoint an assistant from the Eligible Voting membership provided that the member is paid up and in good standing with the Club. The duties of the Assistant Treasurer will be as directed by the Treasurer.
          8. Regional Directors
            Regional Directors shall:
            1. attend each Annual Board Meeting
            2. be responsible for the promotion of the GRCC and the breed known as the Golden Retriever within their Regional jurisdiction.
            3. report via Golden Leaves the happenings and concerns within their Regions.
            4. be the liaison between GRCC members and Affiliate Clubs in their area and the Board of Directors.
            5. take direction from the President and implement projects as instructed. Their vote at the executive level is to be determined by the wishes of the members residing in their regional jurisdiction.

          Each Regional Director may appoint an assistant from the Eligible Voting membership provided that the member is paid up and in good standing with the Club. The duties of the Assistant Regional Director will be as directed by the Regional Director. Their vote at the executive level is to be determined by the wishes of the members residing in their regional jurisdiction.

          Other Club Positions

          1. Membership Secretary
            The Membership Secretary will be responsible for all records related to Club membership. They shall receive membership applications and will immediately hand over all monies related to same to the Treasurer. The Membership Secretary will be responsible for ensuring that the names of all new applicants are published in the Club newsletter; submitting all Provisional Member names for review as Ordinary Members to the Board of Directors; maintain an up-to-date and complete list of members showing names, addresses, date of joining (members who joined prior to January 1, 1977 will be shown as P-77) and voting and/or non-voting status. They will be required to publish and distribute a membership list to any Eligible Voting member on request and to each member of the Board of Directors annually, or as requested.
          2. Other Duties
            The other duties of the Club shall be performed as may from time to time be required by the Board of Directors (e.g., Newsletter Editor, Webmaster, Trophy Chair, Awards Chair, Ways and Means, etc.).
          3. Committees
            No more than one (1) Member of a family shall serve on any committee at the same time. No more than two (2) Directors may serve on any one committee. No one (1) Director may serve on more than two (2) committees at the same time. No one (1) Member may serve on more than two (2) committees at the same time.

          Section 6 Perpetuity

          The Golden Retriever Club of Canada shall remain in being as long as the number of Eligible Voting Members remains at twelve (12) or more and as long as said members are willing to function as a Club under its present title. Failing this, all material assets shall be sold to the highest bidder and all monies received, plus the balance on hand or in the bank, shall be contributed to The Ontario Veterinary College in Guelph, Ontario, Canada for them to use as they deem fit.

          Section 7 Club Publication

          1. For the unification of the Club and its members across the country and/or countries, no less than four (4) issues of the Club newsletter are to be published yearly and made available to the membership.
          2. Special Bulletins may be sent out at the discretion of the Board to communicate important issues such as, but not limited to, Special Meetings, AGM information, membership renewal and other information the Board deems necessary to be communicated to the members in a timely fashion. Bulletins will be sent out via electronic means to all members.
          Article 3 Meetings

          Section 1 Meetings of the Directors

          1. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at the call of the President or any five (5) Directors. An Annual Board of Directors Meeting shall be held, preferably at such time and place as the National Specialty Show, and members of the Board may attend either in person or virtually. In the event that a Specialty Show is not held, the Annual Board of Directors Meeting will be held at such time and place as decided by the President. The Meeting format may include being held entirely by means of telephonic, electronic or any other facility that permits all participants to communicate adequately with each other during the meeting. Each Board member must receive notice of the Meeting delivered by mail, email or other electronic means.
          2. Those Directors wishing to have any travel expenses to the Annual Board of Directors Meeting paid by the Club, must submit a budget for approval to the members of the Board. This budget must be in the hands of the Club Secretary for distribution no later than three (3) months prior to the scheduled Annual Board of Directors Meeting.
          3. Notice of Meetings of Directors shall be delivered via email or mail to each Director at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of a Directors Meeting. Meetings may be held at any time and place with- out formal notice if all the Directors are present or if those absent have waived notice of such meeting in writing via email or mail.
          4. A resolution in writing via email or mail signed by all of the Directors shall be as valid and effectual as if it was passed at a meeting of the Directors duly called and constituted.

          Section 2 Annual General Meeting

          An AGM shall be held each year at such time and place as may be determined by the Board of Directors, ideally at the same time and site as the National Specialty. At such meeting, the membership shall :

          • receive an audited report, together with a detailed statement of accounts, assets, and liabilities of the past year.
          • be notified of the results of the Directors/Officers election
          • appoint the Auditor for the following year.
          • receive detailed annual reports from committees and Officers.
          • be informed of the National Specialty host Club and site two (2) or more years hence (if known).
          • transact any other business as may be properly brought before the Meeting.

          No visitors shall be allowed to attend the business portion of the AGM except by special invitation sanctioned by the Board of Directors. Under extenuating circumstances or at the discretion of the Board the AGM may be held via telephonic, electronic or any other communication facility that permits all participants to communicate adequately with each other during the meeting. All members must receive notice by mail, email or other electronic means.

          Section 3 Special Meetings

          The Board may, at their discretion, call a Special Meeting of the Club at any time. Also, at the discretion of the Board, this meeting may be held via electronic or telephonic means. The Board shall call a Special Meeting upon the request of one-quarter (1/4) of the Club’s total membership provided that the request is submitted either in writing or via electronic communication, specifying the purpose of the meeting. The request must be either signed or electronically signed by the members requesting such meeting and deposited with the Club Secretary. Only the business specified in such a request may be conducted at any Special Meeting.

          Section 4 Notice of Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting

          1. Notice of the time and place of each AGM shall be emailed, mailed, or sent via electronic means. to each member of the Club at their last known home or email address at least ninety (90) days prior to the meeting. Members may, by written or emailed advice, waive such notice.
          2. Notice of Special Meetings will be as deemed necessary by the Board in accordance with the circumstances.
          3. Any accidental omission to give notice, or in the form of notice, shall not invalidate any resolution passed or any proceeding taken at any meeting of the Club.

          Section 5 Quorum

          1. Seven (7) Directors shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board of Directors.
          2. Fifteen (15) Eligible Voting Members in good standing present at an AGM or Special Meeting of the Club shall constitute a quorum.

          Section 6 Order of Business
          Rules of Order as found in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all meetings of the Club and Board of Directors as far as they are applicable and not inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution and By-Laws.

          Section 7 Voting
          Unless otherwise herein provided, the majority of votes duly cast by the Eligible Voting members on the question will prevail.

          Article 4 Finance

          Section 1 Financial Year
          The fiscal year of the Club shall terminate on the 31st day of December each year.

          Section 2 Dues

          1. Annual dues are payable on January 1st each year. Dues of members joining after October 31st shall be deemed to cover the following year. Dues will be payable to the GRCC by cheque, money order, or other forms of electronic payment such as electronic transfer. Annual dues are set and may be reviewed and changed by the Board of Directors as and when deemed necessary. Notice of change of annual dues must be made at the time renewal notices are published.
          2. Any member failing to pay his/her dues before February 1st of that calendar year for which they are due will be considered to be “in arrears” and will cease to be a member. Notice of membership renewal shall be posted on the GRCC website as well as in the last Golden Leaves published for the current year. A Bulletin will be sent out giving notice of membership renewal to all members in December and January. Notice of arrears will not be given to individual members. An Ordinary Member in arrears may rejoin the Club as a Provisional Member or may be reinstated at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

          Section 3 Banking
          All cheques, and orders of payment of money shall be signed and/or endorsed by two (2) of three (3) officers of the Club, one of whom must be the Treasurer. Alternate signing officers will be determined by the Board of Directors. No two (2) signing officers as appointed by the Board may be members of the same household.

          Section 4 Audit
          An Auditor shall be appointed for the purpose of auditing and verifying the statement of accounts for the current year, preferably from the Eligible Voting Membership. However, if the Board deems it advisable, an auditor from outside the Club may be appointed. The audited Treasurer’s report shall be available to the Board at their Annual Board of Directors Meeting.

          Section 5 Liability of General Membership
          The liability of a member of the Club to the creditors of the Club is limited to the amount due from him/her in respect of membership dues.

          Article 5 Constitution & By-Laws Responsibilities & Changes
          1. The Constitution and By-Laws of the Club and By-Laws of the Canadian Kennel Club bind each member fully as though they had subscribed their name and affixed their signature or electronic signature thereto. The Constitution shall be available to all members via the Club’s website. All new members shall be informed of all information available to them on the Club’s website at the time their application is approved.
          2. No person shall be absolved from the effects of the Constitution and By-laws or any allegation of not having received it, or of ignorance of its content or meaning.
          3. By-laws can be changed at any time by Board approved modifications submitted to the membership for a simple majority vote. The vote may be conducted by regular or electronic means, as determined by the Board. Amendments to the constitution and/or by-laws will be forwarded to the CKC Shows and Trials Division within thirty (30) days of being passed.
          Article 6 GRCC Sponsored Events

          Section 1 General

          The Club shall encourage and support Affiliate Member Clubs and GRCC Members in good standing in hosting GRCC sponsored events including, but not limited to, National and other specialty shows, obedience/rally trials, tracking tests, working certificate tests, field trials, hunt tests, sanction matches, educational seminars and health clinics.

          1. Affiliate Member Clubs, or individual members in good standing, wishing to host a GRCC sponsored event, shall make application to the Board of Directors on the designated application form. The application must be submitted in sufficient time to allow for adequate planning and, if necessary, Canadian Kennel Club approval for the event. The application may be submitted by mail or electronically.
          2. A proposed budget and any request for an advance loan must accompany the application to host a GRCC sponsored event.
          3. All profits/losses arising from a GRCC sponsored event hosted by an Affiliate Member Club shall be shared on the basis of fifty percent (50%) for the host club and fifty percent (50%) for the GRCC. If the Host is a group of individual GRCC members, then 100% of all profits/losses arising from the event will be directed to the GRCC.
          4. The Host must send a detailed financial report to the GRCC treasurer within three (3) months of each event and before the year end of December 31st.

          Section 2 National Specialty

          1. Events to be included:
            Conformation show, Obedience trial, Rally trial and Working Certificate/Working Certificate Intermediate/Working Certificate Excellent must be held. As approved by the Board, the Host may additionally decide to include as many as possible of any other activities and events in conjunction with the National Specialty.
          2. Total time:
            Total time for all National Specialty events should not exceed one (1) week.
          3. The Host:
            The Host for the National may be an Affiliate club, OR, the GRCC via its Board of Directors, OR, a group consisting of GRCC members in good standing (which may include some local Affiliate Club members that are not GRCC members). In the latter scenario, if a “group of members” is responsible for running the National, the event will be run in the name of the GRCC, and either at least one Board member will be in the “group”, or a Board member will be appointed as Board Liaison.
          4. The Host Club or Group Proposal:
            The application should be submitted preferably two (2) years prior to the year in which said Host wishes to hold the National Specialty. A proposal can be received by the Board at any time. The proposal must include details of events to be held, dates, location, indication that dates would be CKC approved, proposed budget and names of committee chairs.
          5. Selection of Host:
            Selection of the Host will be done by the Board of Directors. Included in the criteria for selection are: desirability of geographic rotation, number of events planned, thoroughness of planning and organization. The Host selected must receive a majority of votes cast by the Board of Directors. Announcement of the selected Host, date and venue will be made to the membership in the next Golden Leaves publication, on the GRCC website and, when appropriate, via electronic Bulletin.
          6. Host Responsibilities:
            The Host will provide interim reports to the Board of Directors at least every six (6) months. It will be necessary to obtain approval from the Board of Directors for any significant deviation from the proposed budget (5%+). The Host will make the necessary arrangements for the holding of the Annual Board of Directors Meeting and the AGM (should they be scheduled to be held during the National week), and the Annual Awards dinner. The Host will return to the GRCC any advance plus fifty percent (50%) of the financial profit made on the events held at the National Specialty (or 100% if the Host is a group of members). The Host must send a detailed financial report to the GRCC treasurer within three (3) months of the event and before the year end of December 31st. The Host will be responsible for reporting to the Newsletter Editor the results and placements of each and every event held for publication in the Club newsletter. The Host will assume responsibility for all expenses usually associated with the holding of CKC licensed events and assume responsibility for all CKC required paperwork and record-keeping as is usual with the holding of CKC licensed events.
          7. GRCC Responsibilities:
            On approval of the Host by the GRCC, the Club may provide a refundable advance to permit the Host to bridge any early expenses. The GRCC will ship Keeper Trophies to the Host in time to be awarded at the National Specialty. The Club will assume financial responsibility for the cost of the site for the Directors’ Meeting and/ or the AGM (should they be scheduled to be held during the National week) and the Annual Awards dinner.

          Revised and passed by the membership, November 2023.